Monday, March 30, 2009


Now, being from Arizona, the actual highlight of the trip was waking up to see this:
It had been about 3 years since I had seen a real snowfall, so it was very exciting for me. Anthony wasn't quite so thrilled (he lived in Utah for several years) but I was just like a little kid!
Look at how awesome my dad is - we're visiting at his brother's house, and he wakes up early to shovel the driveway for them! I love my daddy!

I jumped right out of bed when I saw the snow and quickly got dressed and ran outside to play! My dad and I even built a snowman together - my first snowman in at least 10 years!

Then Anthony finally got his lazy butt outside, and we were prepared with an ambush! He and my dad had a snowball fight! My dad was a serious machine - he was like the thing at the batting cages that shoots the balls out - it was just snowball after snowball after snowball!

I love snow! I don't ever want to live in it, but I love to visit it!

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