Monday, April 13, 2009

So cute...they get their own post!

Ok, now my main goal in life is to have kids as cute as these. I mean seriously, can there be cuter kids?!
Meet Easton and Nelyana.
They are the adorable little boy and girl of some of Anthony's friends in St. George. I just fell madly in love with both of them!
Nelyana is just to die for. She's this amazing little oreo cookie baby! I can't get over how entertaining she is - so happy, so excited about everything. We all sat and watched her play with bubbles and easter eggs for probably an hour before we left on Sunday. Ambre has her heart set on having a little brown baby now. If I could produce one, I'd probably try it too...but alas! There's only white in me. :(
And then Easton is a complete crack-up. He calls his dad by his first name, but really only when he's mad at him. It is downright hilarious. Levi will pick him up to throw him around and he'll be all, "Levi, no. Don't do it Levi!" I really hope my kids aren't that funny, or I'm going to have a very hard time punishing them...ever.

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